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How the scoring system works

How students score points on Quizalize

Criscille Aguilar avatar
Written by Criscille Aguilar
Updated over 2 years ago

Scores are based on the time a student took to answer a question and if they got the answer right or wrong.  

Quizalize Score Formula

  • If the answer is wrong, the score given is 0 points.

  • The minimum score for a correct answer is 10 points.

  • The maximum score possible is 200 points.

  • Time duration is defined when creating the quiz.

  • When the question is displayed, a grace period of 2 seconds is allocated before the score decreases.

  • The score will decrease over time until the minimum score possible is reached. For example, if the question allows the student 60 seconds and answers between 60 and 58 seconds, the student is given 200 points. The score then starts to decrease until it reaches 0 seconds. If the answer is given in the final second, then the student receives a minimum of 10 points.

Note that you can remove the timer when you assign a quiz by changing the activity settings. In this case, students will score 200 points when they answer a question correctly, no matter how long it takes! 


Students will get stars depending on how well they did on the quiz:

  • No stars if they score less than 50%

  • One star if they score 50%

  • Two stars if they score 80%

  • Three stars if they score 100%.

Play again!

The scoring and stars system is designed to encourage students to play again and try and do better. This is a great way to reinforce learning. Some teachers encourage students to retake the quiz until they score 100% and all three stars!

By default, students can play each quiz again by clicking the 'Play again' button or check their results, but you can remove this when you assign a quiz by changing the activity settings if you want to limit the students to one quiz attempt only.

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