Teachers can easily manage their students and edit classes.
Type of Classes
We have four types of classes teachers could create.
1. Standard Class - needs class code only, and students can register themselves.
New students must type in their names after they enter the class code to register. Existing ones only have to click on their names from the list.
Teachers can also manually add a student through the Members option under the class:
Here's where to create their details:
Or import a class list from a spreadsheet.
Download our template and follow the format.
2. Zzish class - For teachers creating their student's login accounts, you need to distribute the email and password they need to use to access this type of class.
Students could also use their (personal or school) accounts.
Fill in the details.
3. Using their Google account - students can use their personal or school Google account associated with Google Classroom or not:
4. Office 365 Class—Students need to use their school Microsoft account to access this type of class.
Sync with Google Classroom - assigned quizzes automatically appear on your student's Google Classroom stream. Check out this link for more information.
Teachers could neither add nor import a student account in Office 365 and Google Classroom classes.
Note: Students registering for classes using their email and password won't receive newsletters unless they accidentally signed up for a teacher's account. We will delete them if requested.
Managing Your Classes
Teachers can manually create new classes or add an existing Google Classroom class anytime:
These add a class option can be found on your homepage:
Or, in your account settings:
You can rename or lock classes to prevent outsiders from joining, archive unused ones, or delete them entirely.
Hit Edit your classes to perform these modifications.
Choose a class you wish to manage and hit its Edit button to select desired options.
Renaming your class
Select the Rename Class option, and type the new name in the pop-up window.
Hit Change group name to update the changes.
Locking your classes
A locked class will not allow new students to join or access it.
However, you can unlock them anytime.
Archiving your classes
You can archive if you no longer use a class but wish to keep its data. Select the Archive option.
On the left corner of your page, you should be able to show and hide your archived classes.
Deleting your classes
Teachers can delete their class if it is no longer needed.
Please keep in mind that this process is irreversible.
Organizing and Deleting Your Students
Teachers can update their student's profiles by renaming, deleting, or moving them to another class. Click the 'pencil' icon on a student's name to perform the desired actions.
Renaming Students
Please select the Rename student option, and type the new name in the pop-up window (as shown below). Hit 'Save' to update the changes.
This feature is not available in the class that requires an email and password.
Moving students to different classes
To transfer a student, please click Move student to another class and hit the drop-down menu to select from your list. Refresh your page to update the changes. You will notice that all the activities taken by your student from their previous class will also move to the new one.
Deleting a student
To delete a student and permanently remove their data, select Delete student then confirms this request.
To find out more about your Zzish dashboard, click here.